Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Unreliable San Francisco Dems

Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, under fire for her self-serving lies impugning the integrity of our intelligence community now has something else to worry about--even San Francisco Democrats have turned on taxes.

Jim Geraghty, NRO notes her own district voted down a tax increase.

P.S. John Kass with some humor. Maybe I gave him an idea?:) I didn't want to be too catty, but Kass is a gentle genius on the subject.

More in the Washington Times:
In an interview with editors and reporters, Mr. Hoekstra said Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, hasn't done anything illegal that would disqualify her from being speaker, but said Democrats will have to decide whether she is the right person to lead them. Still, he said, from his standpoint, she has endangered the country.

"She has single-handedly become a wrecking ball, a wrecking crew through the morale of the intelligence community," he said. "These are people that have been on the front lines. They have seen their friends die, and they have taken risks to keep America safe, and this speaker has now said you may be prosecuted."

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