Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Musharraf or Michelle

A San Francisco columnist says enough of the MSM lust for our President Barack Obama--they ought to get a room. The Sunday NY Times oohs and aahs over the Obama date night, with a lovely quote from Joy Behar:
Joy Behar, a host on “The View,” whose marriage ended after 17 years, said nothing killed their sex drive like talking politics. So she said she understood the constraints on the first couple’s chemistry.

“And with a mother-in-law in the house?” she said. “Now that’s a real lust-corrector!” The president’s schedule posed unique marital challenges, she noted. Every day Mr. Obama has to weigh competing demands, Ms. Behar said: “Musharraf or Michelle? That’s a tougher thing for him than the average Joe. So it’s really meaningful when you watch them together.” She added, in a tone of wonderment, “He actually looks like he desires her.”
Using Air Force One to impress her. But is it working? At least the press is impressed:
Lisa Wolfe, a writer in New York, married for 17 years to a man named Joe, said of Mr. Obama: “He comes in like an action hero to save the country, and that’s hot.
And compared to God. Musharraf might be less demanding

P.S. Some not so fawning though. Obama invokes Jesus more than Bush.

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