Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Barackstar's Disney Healthcare

It's Fantasyland in the Obama Magic Kingdom:
In the words of Walt Disney: "Fantasyland is dedicated to the young at heart and to those who believe that when you wish upon a star, your dreams come true."
Yuval Levin, NRO is incredulous at The One's words the other day. Um, how is spending $1 TRILLION (Bloomberg rounds down to the nearest trillion--what's $300 BILLION in Obamaland.) deficit-neutral? Rahming it through on a partisan vote. The Dems are backloading all the spending to hide the real costs. Heritage with more believable estimates--a catastrophic long term path. And this legislation is a HUGE JOB KILLER, with small business, the engine of economic recovery, hit especially hard.

Even the liberal Washington Post says taxing deep pockets is a mirage. James Pethokoukis, let us count the ways a healthcare surtax would be disastrous.

One of the Fantasyland attractions is Pinocchio's Daring Journey. Those who lie turn into donkeys. But then, some already are.

More: CBO--public plan would enroll less than 5% of Americans. GOP to unveil alternative.

More: The hidden healthcare costs of cap and trade. Diagram of the Dem plan.

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