AN extremist Islamic group has called on Australian Muslims to prepare for jihad against anyone standing in the way of an "Islamic superstate".Was this sheik an honest man? Let's at least be honest about what we're facing here.
Radical clerics from the militant Hizb ut-Tahrir group converged on Sydney yesterday to deliver their message -- kill Muslims and non-Muslims who threaten the unification of the world's 57 Islamic countries under the one leader.
"If two people are united and a third person comes along and tries to incite disunity . . . kill him," Palestinian Sheik Issam Amera said.
UPDATE: FoxNews , with pix--finally some pix of these excellent signs. I didn't note them on the local coverage, and I was looking. I'll watch the videos again I guess, but no good still pix on the local media websites.
P.S. To highlight one graf from The American Thinker:
It is unconscionable in 2009 that an acceptable forum in America today is a conference entitled, "The Fall of Capitalism and the Rise of Islam," with a goal of strategizing the demise of the bedrock of our democracy - the free enterprise system - and the replacement of our constitution with a theo-political-legal system that subjugates women, murders homosexuals, confers non-person status on non-Muslims, permits slavery and kills apostates. At the same time, attempts to discuss Islamic doctrine and educate the American public about this very threat are increasingly verboten. In many recent instances, accurate speech is being deemed inflammatory due to fear of retaliation by those who want to silence critics of Islam who engage in legitimate discussion of a serious threat to our nation.
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