Thursday, July 30, 2009

Go to Europe! Shovel Manure!

Huffpo hyping the latest eco-vacation for the budget-conscious elitist:
Backpackers pining for European adventure have discovered life on the farm, shoveling manure, feeding pigs and making butter as a recession-beating way to sate their wanderlust.
I'm sure we could find some local manure for these enthusiasts but perhaps it has a special allure, a je ne sais quoi over there. More:
"It feels so good to be right near the food you're about to cook," said former New York schoolteacher Talia Kahn-Kravis, 23, as she squirted milk from a goat's udder into a plastic bucket.

Like Kahn-Kravis, supporters of the slow food movement, which began in Italy as a backlash against fast food, are praising the return to the farms.
The sponsoring organization, with the charming acronym WWOOF, encourages cultural understanding, but I wonder if the goat is on the menu--I imagine it can move fast if it wants to.

P.S. Study finds organic food no healthier. Via Instapundit.

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