Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Kirk is in?

Politico reports Kirk's going to announce for Senate. Jim Geraghty, the Campaign Spot, correctly characterizes Kirk's loss of many of his former supporters over his vote on cap and tax, but is wrong about cutting off our noses to spite our faces. The last time we held our nose and voted for someone like that, someone who can't even vote against the LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN AMERICAN HISTORY during a deep recession, we ended up losing it all. I refer to Gov. George Ryan, who flipped on every position, becoming indistinguishable from a Democrat. With this key vote, Kirk has done it before even running for higher office.

We lost every state office. We lost the state Senate. Our ranks in the state House tanked.

We need someone with more guts to represent us in the US Senate. I'll back someone who has more integrity, and can actually articulate a consistent fiscally conservative ANTI-TAX message. That has appeal across party lines in bankrupt Illinois.

P.S. Another example, (another useful idiot) Republican state Sen. Kirk Dillard, recently announced candidate for governor. Capitol Fax "Dillard jumps in, all but endorses LMadigan, Proft pounces". Earlier reaction of GOP Illinois gubernatorial candidate Dan Proft to Dillard's declaration:PROFT SURPRISED BY DILLARD’S ENTRANCE INTO THE RACE, AS A REPUBLICAN

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