Thursday, July 09, 2009

Palin's Super Powers

Excellent piece by Tom Bevan, RCP who gently suggests the Tribune's Steve Chapman has gone off the rails on this one. I couldn't agree more.

P.S. Liberal Dahlia Lithwick on Palin:
Think of an American visiting France who believes that if he just speaks louder, he will be speaking French.
Think of the liberal MSM as a French tourist in America.

Matt Continetti, We'll be hearing from Palin for a long time. David Warren, What Sarah Palin Represents:
The word "populist" could mean many things, both good and bad. To my mind, Palin currently has both good and bad populist qualities. But these include the very best quality: a real, visceral identification, amounting to love, for the people who actually do America's work, take America's risks, raise America's children, and believe in God. These people are held in contempt by the progressive elites -- they are tax fodder -- just as Palin is held in contempt, as "Caribou Barbie."
Um, and our President Barack Obama is trying to reach out to non-urban America. Perhaps a dim light dawns.

And to those who are so flippant "teething cookie crumbles?" and don't understand the level of outrage about these unprecedented personal attacks, and the attacks on her children, I would add this from my friend, and would say I have some personal knowledge of this kind of malicious behavior as well.

More. Via Rockford's Sweeny Report, Carl Cannon, Politics Daily: "Sarah 'Barracuda' Palin and the Piranhas of the Press". And yes, the MSM in some instances merged with leftwing bloggers and lied repeatedly about her record, positions, and personal life.

Related posts: Mika is Fired Up, This is NOT a Photo-op, Maleficent Maureen, Happy Fourth!, Palin, Angelina Jolie of Politics, Snark City, No Surprise, AOL Playboy Cover-up, Classy Post Christie, Personal Attack After Attack, Miss FIRE, Why do they hate her?, Liberal Chauvinist Pigs.

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