Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Bitter and Dreadful Day

Daniel Henninger, WSJ, The War on Terror is Dead":
Shakespeare wrote, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." As we know, that didn't happen. Four hundred years later, they're killing us with the smothering pillow of hyper-proceduralism. Now the lawyers are about to smother the war on terror. [snip]

Mr. Holder's justification, that his own reading of the "available facts" gave him no choice, is close to a preordained conclusion that Mr. Durham will cite one of these CIA guys for criminal prosecution.

The day of Mr. Holder's announcement, CIA Director Leon Panetta said his agency received "multiple written assurances its methods were lawful." It's now clear that even playing by the rules cannot stop erosion by legal challenge.[snip]

This litigation nightmare, together with the chilling effect of the special prosecutor's potential indictments, has as its goal making the price of aggressive interrogation too high under any circumstance, including a one-hour-bomb scenario.
Andrew McCarthy, NRO: Remember ‘No Controlling Legal Authority’? The CIA probe shows once more that the law does not control this attorney general.

Who will protect us now that those who risked their lives and sacrificed countless hours and sleepless nights are being demonized and their families suffer? Who will be the new Sandy Pants Berger, hiding the evidence of criminal cowardice after innocent Americans have died in the thousands at the hands of terrorists? Death to America--from this administration.

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