The six include two men with the same last name -- one of whom is from downstate Glendale and listed his occupation on a police report as a self employed rock star.***HT Dead Voter. More tweet ideas? Add your own #2016OpeningCeremonies.
Also WSJ has masterful profile of Mayor Daley "Mayor Places Olympian Bet on Chicago's Bid for Games" and names some of the usual suspects. And this is quite a round-up of the Obama politicking. TAS.
OK, one more!
deadvoter N uclear scientists recreate the first nuclear chain reaction under the bleachers of the stadium #2016OpeningCeremoniesP.S. Valerie Jarrett likens Chicago2016 Olympic vote to Iowa caucus. Sun Times. Chicago Murder Map. RedEye. 4 teens charged.
Finally, John Kass, If Obama gets 2016 Games, Daley will be king, not mayor.
Previous posts: No Games Chicago Protest, Chicago Olympics Coverage, FoxTV Chicago Muzzled on Olympics, Olympics in Chicago: Obama's Folly?, Chicagoans for Rio 2016, First Lady Michelle O and her Precious Produce, Chicago Doesn't Deserve Olympics
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