Monday, September 14, 2009


Senate votes to cut off ACORN housing funds. No votes:
mkhammerRT @mlswann: @mkhammer 7 Nays on ACORN vote were Burris, Casey, Durbin, Gillibrand, Leahy, Sanders, and Whitehouse.
Two Dem bums from Illinois. Toss them out of office, starting with Burris.

What's with Casey and Gillibrand? Aren't they supposed to be Dem moderates?

P.S. He defended them last time-- Durbin is a dunce. Via "Progress" Illinois, the SEIU stooge organ. Such good work ACORN does, encouraging underage, immigrant sex-slavery among other things.

More: The Tribune takes the time to write an editorial on pet peeves. State of Ill-annoy. Will they cover Obama, Durbin and ACORN?
jimgeraghtyPotential ACORN 7 defense: "Look, this group does a lot more than just help out child prostitution rings, and I'm proud of what they do.
More: Here's the real story on ACORN and Katrina--Sen. Durbin are you listening? You sleaze. "Former Leftist Activist, Turned FBI Informant, Pulls Back the Curtain On ACORN":
I first experienced ACORN in post-Katrina New Orleans. I was part of a relief organization, Common Ground Relief, which had been delivering much needed aid to the 9th Ward, an area that had been hit especially hard by the flood waters and by neglect. Rumors immediately began surfacing, questioning our motives and intentions. I was very confused by these rumors. Who was behind them? How could anyone question the vital work we were doing in the community?

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