Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ACORN's Decision Tree

The Rolodex picture. RedState. ACORN hires Dem hack to "investigate".

Illinois AG Lisa Madigan, asleep at the wheel.

RINO Kathleen Parker bails on ACORN. John Kass thinks the GOP could learn from ACORN:
Once again, those Republicans have got it all wrong, this time on the ACORN thing.

They're beating up those gentle, community-organizing ACORNistas, moving to cut millions in ACORN federal funding just because of a dozen or so underage, fictitious Central American hookers.
For a real kicker, we have Barney Frank on Acorn.

More: ACORN using the scandal to fundraise--with a matching donation. HotAir: ACORN’s mysterious sugar daddy. Newsbusters with more on the "investigator" and the media.

More. ACORN's tax avoidance. Washington Times editorial.

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