Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Another Fed Funds Ban for ACORN

Defense spending. Well. Let's hope that was just a formality. Other spending bans to come bill by bill until there is an overarching ban.

Also, RedState clarifying the web of connections of Obama's Karl Rove, Patrick Gaspard. TAS Matthew Vadum, The Politico Gets Played by ACORN. Here are the Chicago bits:

ACORN has been engaged in a campaign of deception about its SEIU affiliates, Local 100 headed by ACORN founder Wade Rathke and Local 880 headed by ACORN bigwig Keith Kelleher who happens to the husband of Madeline Talbott. Talbott, you may recall, is a radical agitator whose close personal ties to President Obama are extensively documented. Here's just one tidbit from National Review Online.

ACORN scrubbed its website of references to SEIU 100 and 880 earlier this year. Why would ACORN do that?

And Talbott just put on a new label on the door last summer when the heat was on.

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