P.S. Charles Krauthammer, "Obama the Mortal":
The conventional wisdom is that Obama made a tactical mistake by farming out his agenda to Congress and allowing himself to be pulled left by the doctrinaire liberals of the Democratic congressional leadership. But the idea of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi pulling Obama left is quite ridiculous. Where do you think he came from, this friend of Chávista ex-terrorist William Ayers, of PLO apologist Rashid Khalidi, of racialist inciter Jeremiah Wright?Related commie posts: Bill Ayers, Unregistered foreign agent?, God Help America, Obama Ayers Khalidi, Obama's Chicago Communist Mentor, ACORN Fells Obama Tree?, Obama responds on Che Flag, The Horrific Stories were True, Blind to the Truth, Communist Chic, The Anti-Semitic Enablers of the Democrat Party
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