Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Common Sense of Pence

In response to beltway blather:
“You know, the American people cherish their freedom of speech and a free and independent press. That's why I found this morning's headlines so troubling,” Pence said Thursday. “Goaded on by a White House increasingly intolerant of criticism, lately the national media has taken aim at conservative commentators in radio and television. Suggesting that they only speak for a small group of activists and even suggesting in one report today that Republicans in Washington are ‘worried about their electoral effect.’

“Well, that's hogwash.

“To suggest that men and women that are taking a stand for fiscal discipline and traditional values in the national debate today only speak for ‘grassroots activists’ is absurd. As evidenced by the hundreds of thousands that filled town hall meetings this summer and the nearly a million Americans who gathered here in Washington in September. Millions of Americans, Republicans, Democrats and Independents are worried about liberal social policies and runaway federal spending, deficit and debt.

“So to my friends in the so-called ‘mainstream media’ I say, ‘conservative talk show hosts may not speak for everybody but they speak for more Americans than you do.’”

You have to wonder if these MSM types just talk to each other all day. Look, maybe you beltway journos think you know history, but you don't.

This is history in the making.

We have not seen hard-working Americans take to the streets in these numbers since...maybe the end of WWII? I don't know, I wasn't born then, but I have not seen anything like the tea parties in my lifetime.

Don't dare dismiss us as mere loudmouths, we are a passionate bunch. Because we know the consequences of these pernicious policies. Because we are the ones who make the country work.

P.S. I think Glenn Beck has a fine appreciation of architecture. Did you watch his show today? As for El Rushbo:

Story #1: If Fox is Talk Radio, CNN and MSNBC are Pornography

RUSH: So now Obama is out there saying that Fox News is talk radio. I am living rent free in this guy's head! Fox News is talk radio? If that's true, MSNBC is pornography -- and Obama likes MSNBC -- and CNN is child porn.
Story #2: Obama's Washington DC: Crime Rate Skyrockets

RUSH: Here's more hope and change for you. Washington, DC: In light of all the skyrocketing and new unemployment, "metro officials say that they've seen a 40% increase in robberies in the first eight months of the year." O

OK, OK, I can't resist (are your heads messed up, liberals) one more just for fun:

Story #11: Calypso Louie: Swine Flu Vaccine Developed to Kill

RUSH: Calypso Louie "Farrakhan said the H1N1 flu vaccine was developed to kill people... 'The Earth can't take 6.5 billion people. We just can't feed that many. So what are you going to do? Kill as many as you can.'" (commercial break) Now, I just checked the e-mail: "Rush, it sounds like you don't think Farrakhan is kind of loopy here for saying that the swine flu vaccine was developed to kill people." Folks, it's hard to disagree with him on this. I mean, after the stories we have discussed just this week on cancer testing now being no good? We've had Cash-for-No-Babies, carbon credits for not having babies. That's the only way to save the planet. We got death panels in Florida. We have an administration in love with the teachings of Chairman Mao! So when Farrakhan comes along and that the swine flu vaccine was developed to kill people, he seems perfectly within the realm of reality to me with all the other news that's going on out there. He said that the people who won't take the vaccine are wise, which includes me! Ha! Minister Farrakhan has unknowingly (probably) pronounced me as wise. Now, on any other point of my life I would have think, "Wow, this guy has lost his marbles. He is a true fruitcake. He's gone over the edge and is an order of fries short of a Happy Meal," but with everything else going on in the country today how in the world can you just discard this?


yukio ngaby said...

There is a great deal of elitism in most forms of the media. Many popular films go out of their way to insult and stereotype "common" Americans as bigots, idiots, repressed homosexuals, violent, foolish, immature, unfulfilled, shallow, boorish, and unsophisticated.

I think many people in all forms of the media-- and higher education for that matter-- take thir cues directly from this (or dictate the cues followed in the movie-- a chicken or egg problem) and are honestly boggled that people are protesting without a clear, centralized leader, and without top-down professional organization.

It's easy for them to lapse into the old racist, vast right-wing conspiracy theory to explain what they see around them. Personally, I would've been surprised if they had responded in a different way.

Lisa G in NZ said...

Your blog is great, like a breath of fresh air! It is calming to me to know there is a strong conservative movement in Illinois. I spent my entire life in the Chicago area. I still love Chicago, but am in NZ right now (and loving it down here w/my kiwi hubby).

Have you checked out what is happening in NY and Hoffman's run? People are abandoning the Dem AND the Rino running and flocking to support Hoffman; the conservative candidate.


This is what I truly hope happens in ALL upcoming elections. Conservatives CAN take the country back! It is a fight though.

I'm fired UP about it and I'm on the OTHER side of the planet!

Thanks for the info on Pence. I think ALL incumbents and new runners will be SCRUTINIZED by the newly energized conservative America... which is most of us.

kewl; there is real hope left!