Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Destabilizing Aghanistan by Delay

UPDATE: Liz Cheney video***He's doing glitzy fundraisers in NYC (22 now) having dance parties at the White House. Meanwhile Americans are kidnapped and arrested by Iran, and our troops are fighting a war in Afghanistan. Can you dip your head outside the celebrity bubble Mr. President?

So you did send winter soldier Sen. John Kerry over to set up another Afghan election. I understand the weather's getting worse and we need to help the locals deliver and control the ballots better, so we're going to have Black Hawks deliver them.

Yet you will not reinforce and surge our troops as the General you appointed to carry out the new strategy you announced last March has asked.

Mr. President, once again, will you preside over the next Black Hawk Down?

Will they tell you while you're wearing a tux?


PersonalFailure said...

So, it's okay that Bush spent more time on vacation than any other president in history, but Obama had better not have any fun?

You are such a hypocrite.

Anne said...

Obama's on vacation while in the White House.

I think President Bush probably did more work while he was officially on vacation.