Monday, October 19, 2009

Goat Landscaping

Or could we call it scape-goat? Tony Andover, Mass. goes for goats in a big way:
A Boston suburb has some new landscapers that will work for food — a half-dozen goats clearing and maintaining an overgrown public meadow.

Under a pilot program in Andover, Lucy McKain's dairy goats will rotate their grazing around the meadow for an all-you-can-eat buffet of grass, brush and other growth. The goats can clear as much as a half acre every three days at no cost.

Perhaps Michelle should import them to the White House. They are very good browsers. I suppose they might raid the garden, but she'd always have the Farmer's Market. How about it, Michelle, apparently they can be trained like dogs. Think of the possibilities:

If the goats do their job, the Conservation Commission might let goats and other species roam and ruminate on other protected parkland.

“We would entertain anyone who would want to bring a herd of animals onto our properties,’’ Decelle said.

It may be free now, but just wait, someone from the Obama administration will decide we need yet another subsidy for goats whether we need it or not, since they are so green.

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