Friday, October 30, 2009

Healthcare Debate, Illinois Reps.

The Illinois GOP contingent spoke up strongly in opposition to the massive big government approach to healthcare, negotiated behind closed doors by Democrats. Republicans favor a more flexible, consumer friendly fix, with tort reform and choice of policies across state lines. Congressman Mark Kirk, running for Senate, is even running radio ads.

The Daily Herald does a disservice in misrepresenting the Democrat majority's behavior. Despite the president's post-partisan campaign promises, Republicans have been shut out of talks in the House from Day One. Incredibly, even the public announcement of the public bill shut out the public.

As for Democrats struggling to read the bill it seems bass-ackward for Dem Speaker Pelosi to announce it as a done deal without their members having read it first. Incredibly irresponsible.

And fundamentally dishonest.

More. GOP Factcheck and details of the bill as they start reading it, here and here. Veterinarians and vending machines?

More. Scott Stantis cartoon, Chicago Tribune. Editorial, Not an option: Government doesn't compete. It overwhelms.

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