Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hillary in a head scarf

From one of my women friends:
Sent an e-mail to the State Department; Hillary in the head scarf is infuriating. NOW complained about Obama's males only play dates, but says nothing about the Sec. of State caving in to Islamic social customs. How PC of them.....
Pix from CBC story.


PersonalFailure said...

When you go to someone else's house, you obey their rules. I don't allow people to wear shoes in my house, to protect my floors. In predominantly Muslim countries, women wear head scarfs.

According to you, polite behavior would be to wear hold soled, high heeled shoes, spit in my face when I ask you to remove them, and then tap dance on my hardwood floors.

PersonalFailure said...

hard soled

Tamer said...

This is not a Muslim "customs", it's a muslim religion rule, like Yamaka for jews. and as the other commenter says, it's a sign of respect to follow the rules of the place you are visiting.

another thing that you may not catch, is that she may have done that on purpose to remove the barriers between america and muslim countries, it's smart move :)