Monday, October 26, 2009

Some Sick Stats

Abortion Kills More Black Americans Than the Seven Leading Causes of Death Combined, Says CDC Data

And this:
It completely misses the most important fact about modern women’s lives — the decline of family stability. And not just women’s lives — the decline of marital stability and the rise of unmarried parenting (currently almost 40 percent of children are born to unmarried parents) has not only been a catastrophe for children, it has also made combining work and family harder than ever.
A sick society unless we address this.

P.S. And the abortion number is even higher:
Among the large states not reporting abortions by race--and thus where the number of blacks killed by abortions is not included in the national total of 203,991--are California, Florida, Illinois and the rest of New York state outside of New York City.
Is it the eeeevil conspiracy polite society doesn't want to talk about?

More, related. Newsbusters:
In 2005, University of Chicago economist Steven Levitt and New York Times journalist Stephen J. Dubner released the book "Freakonomics" that provided cover for the pro-abortion movement in America by suggesting legalized abortion lowered crime and had a positive impact on society.

However, in their new book "SuperFreakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes, and Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance," Levitt and Dubner blame what is generally accepted to be a liberal cause, women's liberation, for the rise of high-end prostitution in America and a failing public education system. The authors appeared on ABC's Oct. 23 "20/20" to elaborate on their theories.
Just look at the career of Chrissie Hefner giving cover to her dad's sex empire--big Dem donors to boot. As for education, true enough. One answer is getting rid of these dumbed-down ed courses for certification--just let professionals who want to switch--some of those MBA moms with kids--take a test and have a short in-service on classroom techniques. Maybe we'll get enough decent math and science teachers again. Coupled with the tax money following the child we'd have some real results.

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