Thursday, October 08, 2009

Stalk Talk by the Sexist Gray Lady

Newsbusters on the NY Times The Caucus calling me a stalker for talking to Bill Ayers, both online and in print.

Maybe I should cancel my subscription. They might think I'm stalking them. [omg, should I link to them?!!!]

P.S. Maybe I should ask Jill Abramson to vouch for me. After all, I helped her and her mom move into the top floor of Grays freshman year. And it was quite a lot of stuff as I recall. Maybe I should wear a stalker sign next time I go to a Harvard reunion. Just to be on the safe side. Wouldn't want any Chomsky devotees to be nonplussed over the lobster.

...but then, maybe I was really stalking Jill back in 1972.

...perhaps I'm stalking her even now...across time and the space of a thousand miles...


Skye said...

So, by their own definiton, will the Jason Blair Times stop 'stalking' Sarah Palin?

Anne said...

:) touche

pathickey said...


Lawyer up! Do Progressive Activist on them - File Suit and get Lotto Jackpot.

Drinking ( here, I do take umbrage with you, Anne) Venti at Starbucks constitutes 'Stalking?' in an Airport?

Anne said...

And I only had a mocha. Imagine how I could have behaved if I'd imbibed an espresso.

Anonymous said...

I wrote a post to the Caucus blog late yesterday afternoon taking them to task for calling your encounter with Ayers as "stalking". I asked how any reasonable read of the post warranted describing the ecnounter as anything other than fortuitous.

I ended by saying I had been a decade long subscriber to the NYT and her post describing the encounter as "stalking" reminded my why I cancelled my subscription in 2005.

Not surprisingly, my response to her post didn't make it past the censureship moderator.


Anne said...

Thank you Scott!!

NOTICE to anyone with 10 feet of Bill Ayers or any timorous NY Times' reporters--ask first if you can approach them.

Maybe every time you go to a Starbucks too for good measure. Maintain several feet between yourself and the previous or next customer. After all, they sell the NY Times there.

teriobrien said...

I just posted the audio at of Chris Matthews' idiotic comments about your running into Ayers at the airport, in which he refers to you as "the guy." I'm not kidding.
Please check it out. I am disgusted!
Your fan,
Teri O'Brien

Anne said...

Thank you Teri!

Did a post on the subject. Fools out there.