Saturday, November 07, 2009

Healthcare Nightmare

You may get a nurse practitioner as the gatekeeper to your care, or be fined thousands of dollars or go to jail if you don't comply, while billions are funneled to entities like ACORN:

While the bill will slash Medicare funding, it will also direct billions of dollars to numerous inner-city social work and diversity programs with vague standards of accountability.

• Sec. 399V (p. 1422) provides for grants to community "entities" with no required qualifications except having "documented community activity and experience with community healthcare workers" to "educate, guide, and provide experiential learning opportunities" aimed at drug abuse, poor nutrition, smoking and obesity. "Each community health worker program receiving funds under the grant will provide services in the cultural context most appropriate for the individual served by the program."

These programs will "enhance the capacity of individuals to utilize health services and health related social services under Federal, State and local programs by assisting individuals in establishing eligibility . . . and in receiving services and other benefits" including transportation and translation services.

Call your congressman.

More. (Per NRO's Doctor, Doctor blog continually updating) Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI):

“Congress historically underestimates the cost of these kinds of programs... I have no doubt in my mind that we’re creating a brand-new entitlement. That majority knows that... This bill, under whatever analysis you look at, all say that health-care premiums will go up. This bill will deprive choices for many Americans. It will encourage employers to dump their employee health-care programs...The rude awakening is coming. When the American people start losing their employer-sponsored health insurance, seeing the cost of their health-care premiums skyrocket, and losing their ability to shop freely in the market for health-care plans, it will be a real shocker to people once they realize the scale of this. They’ll realize all of this by 2010.” The Blue Dogs must know this, right? "That's what amazes me," says Ryan. "The Blue Dogs know this, they see it, they sense it, but Speaker Pelosi is very good at this. She's keeping them in town and she's surrounding them with people who tell them what they want to hear, saying things like 'you got to do this, it's good for the party,' 'the worst thing politically is to not do anything,' etc." [snip]

“The Democratic leaders here have been waiting their entire adult lives for a moment like this,” says Ryan. “This is a ‘destiny moment’ for them. This is a chance to fulfill their ideological ambitions. In a strange way, I respect it. I respect the fact that they had the courage of their convictions. The big problem I have with it is that their convictions are completely antithetical to the principles that built this country. They’re completely antithetical to the whole notion of free-market democracy that has made America the greatest, most exceptional country in the world. They’re determined to do this. It’s all about ideology. This is not about the best health policy, it’s about ideological conflicts.”

MOre. CBO: New House Health Bill Spending Estimate, $3 Trillion over 10 Years

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