Friday, November 06, 2009

Killed at home by the same enemy

Yelling God is Great as he gunned down his victims. And as Mark Steyn is pointing out this morning, even though he was born in the U.S., he put down his nationality as Palestinian at his mosque.

I have to say, a crippling political correctness probably kept this murderer from being ousted from the service. And as for the media suggesting he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder--he has been nowhere near a combat zone. Nor has this brave woman.

So, Mr. President, after your unbelievably offhand performance yesterday [video here], as the nation waited for your prepared remarks on the massacre, you need to make a decision. You need to stop dithering.

Because while you are dithering people are dying. Americans are dying. Killed at home and abroad--by the same enemy.

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