Monday, December 07, 2009

The H1N1 Vaccine Debacle

ObamaCare is no care at all. Judith Loseff Lavin, The American Thinker:
Last week, a twenty-something friend passed away from complications of H1N1. She had a compromised immune system. She was a high risk patient. In pre-Obama days, that meant early immunization and perhaps, a life saved. But...times have "changed" since the government took over the vaccine. [snip]

"Why aren't people connecting the dots?" said "Ann," who wanted to remain anonymous. "This is ObamaCare: Government-run healthcare and it's a disaster." Ann's thirty-something son is chronically ill and regularly treated with major medications at a Chicago-area hospital. Yet, no vaccine was available at his hospital. Instead, he took off work, waiting three hours at a local, city college for medication. "It's outrageous. He's going for routine treatments at a medical center and they didn't have a vaccine for him?"
This is so wrong. Arrogance. It can kill. Stop this bill: More. 8 Examples Why Dems’ Health Care Bill Does Not Meet The President’s Stated Goals. The Cold Heart of ObamaCare - Nat Hentoff, Orange County Register. Why Does the Public Oppose ObamaCare? - Jay Cost, RealClearPolitics

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