Al Gore does not come off well. Video. (Including clips from the eeeevil FoxNews)
More. Ronald Bailey, Reason: The Scientific Tragedy of Climategate: Can climate change science recover from the damage done by leaked emails?
More. Climategate: it's all unraveling now. James Delingpole, The Telegraph. Oz rebuffs greenies, Danes caught with their thumbs on the carbon credit scale just before the Copenhagen summit. Referring us to the estimable Lord Monckton's summary. And Shikha Dalmia, Forbes--why won't the president acknowledge ClimateGate? Why indeed.
Wanna get away Mr. President?
P.S. As one Brit legislator quoted by Delingpole puts it:
“The ferocious determination to impose hair-shirt policies on the public – taxes on holiday flights, or covering our beautiful countryside with wind turbines that look like props from War of the Worlds – is bound to cause a reaction in any democratic country.”Maybe take a long cruise over there. Via Iceland how 'bout. The peace prize will keep.
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