Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Our President Spock Obama

Jeffrey Lord, TAS.

This is kind of amusing if Barack Spock weren't president--emotional intelligence was the big buzzword among the vapid outcome-based education elites in my kids' suburban schools a few years ago--the very voters who elected this guy.

But somehow even his logic doesn't strike me as brilliant. I think he's too stuck on himself to be logical. (And the "real" Spock actually knew something about something--science.) Even the ladies of The View are a bit taken aback. (Though Whoopi remains loyal)

...President Obama, surrounded by Senate Democratic leaders, said today "we are on the precipice" of major health care reform
You want us to jump off with you Mr. President? (Do you think he got it mixed up with unprecedented?)

P.S. Admit it Silva, he screwed up. Best explanation, he woodenly misread TOTUS. Middling explanation--he made a malapropism. Worst explanation? It's what he secretly thinks--you know, the Kinsley thing. At last, our President Obama tells the truth!

More. He's still using it.
BarackObama We are on the precipice of big changes—the most significant reform of our health care since the passage of Medicare. http://bit.ly/5z9oXL
Our malaprop president.

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