Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Thomson Illusion

I might agree with you Dennis Byrne, but you're forgetting the ACLU which will doubtless argue endlessly for more lenient treatment...and the Holder-for-terrorist-defense Justice Dept.

Who will be acting on our behalf?

As for the jobs, well...

Some of the terrorists may wish to stay at Club Gitmo--I certainly think that's a great place for them. Others may wish to avail themselves of new opportunities in the United States.

Recruitment for one. How about video games? A first amendment right to communal prayer, granted by the Dept. of Justice at Colorado's supermax. So much for isolation.

I am not so sanguine

Who anticipated 9/11?

Those who caution us
on bringing these terrorists here, after the experience of the World Trade Center bombing and trial.

And who argue for military tribunals, rather than show trials. Which I have also advocated.

If the ACLU has their way, the terrorists will end up in nursing homes.

How about putting the people preying on the old and disabled at Thomson?

More. Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski, Big Government:

We need to move quickly to deny Mr. Holder’s Justice Department any federal funds to transfer or try any of the Guantánamo detainees apart from military tribunals. President Obama is on record as approving those military tribunals. As a senator in 2006, he even voted for the measure that established those tribunals. Of course, he is now on record backing up his besieged attorney general.

We would actually be doing Mr. Obama a favor by having Congress override his hasty and reckless attorney general. I think the president would secretly heave a sigh of relief if Congress would prevent this gross error from going forward.

It’s vitally important that the people’s representatives speak on this point. It’s why we have checks and balances.


El Rider said...

If they send al qaeda members to Illinois we can be assured that treatment issues will be brought forth by the ACLU and others, then we will likely see those battle field hardened terrorists in Federal Court in Downtown Chicago. During that time they will be housed in the Metropolitan Correction Center in the South Loop. When that happens I will remind my Democratic friends that: "Hey - I can see battle field hardened al qaeda terrorists from my office window!"

I kind of feel sorry for those poor Democrats because they are in for some very large heapings of intellectual abuse.

Anne said...

Thanks El--excellent points!