Thursday, December 10, 2009

V-Ayer-y Interesting

Very interesting. BBC: Rare words 'author's fingerprint':
In 1935, the Harvard University linguist George Kingsley Zipf demonstrated a mathematical relationship between the frequency of a word in a text and its rank in the list of an author's most used words. [snip]

Building on that idea, researchers at Umea University in Sweden have found that language use isn't as universal as Zipf's law might suggest.

They have used a related approach that comes up with a unique identifier for each author.

(What's next?)

The team will continue the analyses with different English authors, and with authors in different languages. As their collection of fingerprints grows, Mr Bernhardsson said, they will try to identify the authors of anonymous works.

But not every result is a happy one, he added.

Very interesting. Hmm, mmm, mmm.

Previous post: Bill Ayers and the Racist History of the Left

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