Sunday, January 17, 2010

Brown Now Favored

Cook Political Report via Politico. RCP here.

Watch Scott Brown rally with Curt Schilling livestream.

More. Massachusetts: Coakley ad 'patently false,' Brown threatens legal action
MelissaTweets RT @Rhetorican: RT @mkhammer Uh ohs. RT @KevinMaddenDC: CNN: Obama advisors expect Coakley to lose:

Heckling Obama ,,,Blue Blue Boston U UPDATE: BROWN Rally Breaking Records

Stumping for Coakley, Obama gets uh, stumped. It's not pretty and the heckling goes on for a quite some time. And he couldn't fill the hall.

“It holds 3,000 and frankly only 2,000 to 2,500 showed up.” (FOX reported)

Obama Heckled at Coakley Rally in Boston… At a University? (Video)

instapundit ON THE LEFT, STRAINING TO DEFEND MARTHA COAKLEY . . . over the Amirault case? “She’s conceding that…: ON THE LEFT...
More. Text of Scott Brown remarks. NRO.

KevinMaddenDC Coakley just got thrown under a bus whose destination read "Managing Expectations" driven by WH
More. In case you missed it: Not a shocker: Police department that “acted stupidly” endorses Brown

More. (Is our President Barack Obama in a tizzy?)
NRSC Video - Obama: I don't know Scott Brown's record - Then attacks it #NRSC #MASen

kathrynlopez just realized the last time i was at mechanics hall in woostah, ted kennedy was there. somehow makes the scene there 2day more unbelievable.

Dragnet [Mark Steyn]

The problem with that Massachusetts Democratic rally is that, aside from the weirder moments (Barney Frank: "Martha Coakley is not Barack Obama in drag"), they sound like they're preaching to the converted - which is what got 'em into this mess in the first place. For example:

More. Newsbusters (video):
Former Barack Obama supporter Jim Cramer on Friday said the stock market would have a huge rally if Scott Brown defeats Martha Coakley in Tuesday's special senatorial election in Massachusetts.

"I think investors who are nervous about the dictatorship of the Pelosi proletariat will feel at ease, and we could have a gigantic rally off a Coakley loss and a Brown win," said Cramer on Friday's "Mad Money."

Kirk Can't Vote After Tuesday — GOP lawyers say Paul Kirk will no longer be a senator after election day
More. Brown at 60 on Intrade.

More. Latest Brown campaign video: P.S. The faith-based Obama bitter-clingers. Michael Barone. Brown reaching out to alienated Democrats and independents.LA Times. RCP polling update: Brown ahead. Margin widening. Background on one of them at HotAir.

Rightone: how 'bout the irony of Obama asking MASS when @scottbrownMA has ever fought 4 them? duh, he's in the military!

Kerrey on Scott Brown & Evolution [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

As Jonah has noted, Bob Kerrey smeared Scott Brown this weekend on the topic of evolution (a little out-of-left felt, but such is the way of the Left in this race):

“If he’s running against 60 votes and wins, that is not good,” said Bob Kerrey, a former Democratic senator from Nebraska. “It says that in Massachusetts, they are willing to elect a guy who doesn’t believe in evolution just to keep the Democrats from having 60 votes.”

Brown spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom comments to NRO: "Scott Brown believes in evolution but in the case of Bob Kerrey he's willing to make an exception."


Look Who's Claiming Obama's Mother Was Not Married

1 comment:

Lisa G in NZ said...

thanks - good recap on the Brown tsunami! Coakley is scary & evil

comments over at GatewayPundit (and HillBuzz) today are on fire...

I hope Scott Brown has a huge victory - first (hopefully) in the 2010 war to save the Republic.


Don't think the media outside the USA will know what to make of all this, but I find it very exciting...