Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Anti-American America Revealed Again

CBS2Chicago: Chicago Alderman Declares War On 'Avatar'
James Balcer, A Veteran, Says Blockbuster Film Portrays Military In Negative Light.

Here are a couple of comments:
By MGunny posted 1 minutes and 8 seconds ago
If Cameron wasn't trying to make some anti-Marine statement with his characters, how easy would it have been to just dress the guy up in normal contractor/combat clothes and leave the eagle, globe and anchor off his uniform. Try and convince me that he wasn't making a comparison to our real Marines who have fought thier asses off for years in Iraq and Afghanistan only to have the soft bellied lap dog media and liberals libel and slander them on the front page of every liberal newspaper in the country. I felt what these Marines feel when I got back from Vietnam and had so called Americans throw ketchup and mustard on my uniform. Cameron is a liberal and everything he does shows his contempt for all things military. AND since I served in the Corps for thirty years all you non coms who didn't have the guts or the gratitude to your country to serve, if you don't agree with me I personally couldn't care less.
By rachael posted 10 minutes and 14 seconds ago
the film was beautiful but i am so tired of all of these anti-american, anti-military, anti-everything blockbuster movies. please leave the politics out of entertainment!!!! i wanted to be entertained not preached to. every time i go to the movies now i am bombarded by global warming messages (while i trek through 4 ft of snow) and anti-american messages. please, if you dont like america go to france! stop trying to turn the USA in to france!!! And when it comes to the military please show the respect these men deserve!! The underwear bomber is treated with more respect by the left than our military men and women. disgusting! Brian you should be ashamed of calling someone a babykiller!! My father did kill a child in Vietnam. A child that was running toward him and his men shooting. He lives with those facts every day. He had to kill a child so that child didn't kill them! I suppose if you saw some kid running at you and your family shooting a gun you would lie down and give up? Shame on you sir!!
Linked on Drudge

I would just add, wherever we go, over time our military are the best ambassadors we can have, with a cultural knowledge that dwarfs insular anti-American liberals.

P.S. Insular anti-American liberals:
Coakley says no more terrorists in Afghanistan

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