Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ellie Light Calls In

Audio at Philadelphia radio show via Breitbart. She doesn't help Obama's case, describing him as desperate and comparing him to a trial lawyer trying to make his deal.

She says she's "owning up". How about being responsible in the first place and not misrepresenting you were a local when you weren't.

When I used to write letters to the editor, in my pre-blogging days, I got a phone call asking if I wrote the letter and verifying my address.

Patterico here earlier:
Finally, I have received all sorts of recent tips and theories as to who “Ellie Light” might be. This may well be useful information, if we learn it — but I urge people not to get too carried away with that question, such that they lose sight of the bigger picture. Which is the need to work to eliminate deception from our political discourse.
via Memeorandum.

P.S. IowaHawk letter to the editor:)

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