Monday, January 25, 2010

A great deal of common sense

Centerfold Senator Is Stud on Economics as Well: Kevin Hassett, Bloomberg.

P.S. Putting men back to work. America needs to build things again--are we OK with a future of just pushing wheelchairs around?
Almost 75 percent of the job losses in the recession have been to men's jobs.

P.P.S. As far as Scott Brown, for the liberals out there, I would just add he has a sensitive side:) This is one of my favorite stories:

While Brown's supporters chanted inside the ballroom, the candidate's sister Lee Ann was outside the hotel on the sidewalk beside Arlington Street.

"What kind of guy is he?" she said of her older brother, who was a surrogate father in their single-mom home. "When there was a father-daughter event at my school, Scott took me. When there was a parent-teacher conference and our mom couldn't make it because she had to work, Scott was there."

Responsible at an early age, and a great dad now.

More. This resource: "Project -- No Project

Oh, and it's the Trib's DC elitist snark queen Kathleen Hennessey (print edition) again. (Maybe do an op ed piece Kathleen, or a blog like Silva, tell us how you really feel.)

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