Friday, January 08, 2010

Hughes vs. Kirk

What Mark Kirk Doesn't Want You To Know

Dear Friends,

I have met so many people during this campaign who understand how important the Illinois Republican primary on February 2nd really is. Everyone seems to be ready to send their message - and a real Conservative - to Washington DC.

The only person who doesn't seem to realize that there's a primary on February 2nd is...Mark Kirk.

In fact, Mark Kirk has spent so much time pretending that February 2nd doesn't exist that he's attracting national attention, like this piece that appeared Thursday in Congressional Quarterly.

Its understandable. There are a lot of things about Mark Kirk that he would rather pretend weren't true. And would rather you didn't find out.
  • Mark Kirk has a 100% rating from both Planned Parenthood and NARAL
  • Mark Kirk voted against the Defense of Marriage Act
  • Mark Kirk received an "F" rating from the NRA, and an "F-" rating from the Gun Owners of America
  • Mark Kirk voted against the troop surge in Iraq
In a recent radio ad, Mark Kirk even claimed that he is a "proven tax cutter." Someone should remind Mark Kirk that he voted for Cap and Trade legislation which would be one of the largest taxes ever levied by the United States government. He calls himself a 'budget hawk' who has fought against corrupt spending. However, his voting record includes numerous votes for earmark spending projects that benefited donors to his campaigns.

But Mark Kirk would rather pretend Conservatives in Illinois don't know about those votes. He'd rather pretend that they won't demand better. He'd rather pretend that they won't vote for a true Conservative in the February 2nd primary.

It's time to send Mark Kirk a message that his time in the DC fantasyland is over. Its time to show him and the DC establishment that Conservative voters are not willing to pretend that liberal Republicans like Mark Kirk are good enough to represent them in the U.S. Senate.

I am standing up for true Conservatism in this race. You can read more about my positions at my website and here on Illinois Review, and you can help support me in my campaign to bring Conservative change to the halls of the U.S. Senate. By making an online donation of $10, $25, $50, $100 or $500, you can help send me to Washington and help bring Mark Kirk back to reality.

Patrick Hughes

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