Friday, January 29, 2010

I like this woman

Not Michelle.
Let's put to the side the fact that Michelle Obama has chosen — as her signature issue — telling us our kids are fat. (I mean, thanks a lot. Laura Bush was all about telling kids to read. Why did Michelle go with "you're fat"?)
Lots of anger out there.


Serious s...mother. God help us.


DJ said...

So wait, using that logic, you could say that Laura Bush AND Barbara Bush was telling our children that they were stupid and illiterate... And Nancy Reagan was telling our children that they were all drug addicts!

the truth is that childhood obesity is a serious issue, and one that actually costs us all a lot of money.

Get serious.

Anne said...

Costs us money. Gee what a bleeding heart liberal you are.

Kids are getting gunned down in the streets of chicago and have been for years. Schools are failing kids, they're not getting an education because the teachers union makes schools a patronage system. Obama and Dick Durbin and the Dems shut down DC school choice, Michelle and Barack send their kids to private schools--and she's worried about childhood obesity.

It's sickening and cynical.

Bush pushed for DC school choice and got it.

DJ said...

I like that, bleeding heart liberal. Someone disagrees with your opinion and you start the name calling. Stay Classy.

Yes, costs us money. The CDC confirms. Obesity in this country costs us money, and wastes resources.

As for kids getting gunned down in the streets, its the same story, different year. But if I wanted to use your phraseology, it sounds like you're pushing for gun control, a laudable position and quite liberal, if you ask me.

As for where the Obama's send their children, I'm assuming that you mean that they shouldn't get to choose where to send them, but since you're also an advocate for the voucher system, it's quite the paradox.

Does the education system need work, sure. Do we have to work to control childhood obesity, yes. Do we have to stop children from getting gunned down in the street, absolutely. All laudable goals, and action in any one should be encouraged, instead of taking a pessimistic view of the world.

No one person can solve all of our problems. This arguing for arguing sake is not getting this country anywhere.