Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Is it a one-way ticket?

Scott, Powerline on the Yemen connection, with this bit:

At the end of its article the Times mentions the report by the Democratic staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee disclosing that as many as 36 American Muslims who were prisoners have moved to Yemen in recent months, ostensibly to study Arabic. One wonders where they received their scholarships. The Times also notes that several of these studious ex-convicts may also have linked up with Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
We need to learn more, and fast. Abdulmutallab needs to be interrogated by intel professionals about his fellow students or we could be talking about the Al Qaeda 36 series of terror attacks.

And how about this story? Moderate Muslim head of UK TV channel held on terror claims. Moderate, hmm. But then Abdulmutallab was just the head of a student organization in London.

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