Monday, January 18, 2010

Kelly for Comptroller

Video. A Conservative in Chicago. Chicago News Bench.

More. From the Kelly campaign:
TEA PARTY GROUP GIVES GOP CANDIDATE KELLY STANDING OVATION: The Rockford Tea Party in Illinois gave GOP candidate, William J. Kelly, a standing ovation on Saturday after seeing his documentary, "A Conservative in Chicago." The documentary was screened before more than 100 tea party activists. The film documents the conservative activist's struggles against the mainstream media. Kelly is running for comptroller in Illinois to open the books to government watchdogs and taxpayer groups.
The documentary, "A Conservative in Chicago" is a response to an unprecedented smear campaign against Kelly and can be seen on his website at and also on (search "A Conservative in Chicago").

VIDEO: GOP CANDIDATE TURNS TABLES ON CHICAGO TRIBUNE, DAILY HERALD REPORTERS - Last week, the Chicago Tribune endorsed liberal Republican Judy Baar Topinka over her opponent, William J. Kelly without calling in the candidate for an interview. Kelly also faced off recently against regional Illinois newspaper, the Daily Herald about media bias against conservative candidates and issues. A video of Kelly's endorsement session with the Daily Herald reporter and two Republican opponents at the recent endorsement session can be seen here:

"It doesn’t surprise me that so many newspapers around the country are failing. People have lost faith in journalism and so have I. Journalism is truly dead," says Kelly.

Kelly's full statement on media bias is also available at the website above.

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