you can...LOVE NEW TRIER and still VOTE NO FEBRUARY 2nd
Dear Friends & Neighbors,
We all love our children and grandchildren. That's why we settled in this wonderful community. For the schools, the neighborhoods, the shared values.... So why would we settle for the ill-conceived plan New Trier High School is asking us to approve on February 2nd?
We all love our children and grandchildren. That's why we settled in this wonderful community. For the schools, the neighborhoods, the shared values.... So why would we settle for the ill-conceived plan New Trier High School is asking us to approve on February 2nd?
Did you know that this $174 million referendum (plus undisclosed interest) is the largest single-school referendum in Illinois history! They're asking this of YOU at a time when our country, our state, and our neighbors are facing unprecedented financial distress. For many reasons THIS IS THE WRONG PLAN FOR THE WRONG TIME!
a.. The $174 million only covers Phase 1. They'll be hitting you up for more later. Their long-range plan is to completely rebuild and expand the Winnetka Campus. Details can be found in the School Board's Long Range Facilities Plan.
b.. This plan will cost more than we have been told. The $248 per $10,000 in additional property taxes quoted by the School Board is for Year One only. The cost TO YOU will rise each year and will be $631 per $10,000 by the end of the 20 year bond. Approximately $2 million in interest is capitalized in Year One to achieve the initial lower payment. This capitalized interest and the escalating structure adds $14 million to the total project cost.
c.. The School Board wants to put all of our financial resources into the Winnetka Campus- a location that is already overbuilt given the parcel of land on which it sits, has limited access with narrow two lanes streets and offers limited parking- all of which has caused the area to become a safety hazard for pedestrians and drivers alike.
d.. No comprehensive, land-use analysis has ever been undertaken for this project. An analysis would evaluate both the Winnetka and Northfield Campuses looking at the assets and deficits of each. Such an analysis is a common and responsible first step in large construction projects involving multiple, interrelated locations.
e.. New Trier is not in the state of disrepair that the School Board has portrayed. Over the past 10 years, the school has spent millions of dollars upgrading, renovating and re-building the library, locker rooms, science labs, replacing windows, adding a new HVAC system, upgrading the electrical system and adding wireless Internet access.
f.. This plan will not increase the educational excellence at New Trier. New Trier continues to be a top ranked school both locally and nationally. In November 2009, New Trier was named a Blue Ribbon School, a national designation of excellence achieved by only 3.9% of schools in this country. Additionally, New Trier students continue to achieve high marks on state and national testing and are accepted into the finest colleges and universities.
As you decide whether or not to support this referendum, keep in mind that we are building for the next 100 years and need to be smart about what we build, where we build it and what we are willing to pay. Many in the Township believe this referendum would fund the wrong plan at the wrong time.
PLEASE VOTE NO ON FEBRUARY 2nd! Be sure and look for the referendum at the end of the ballot after the judges names.
*YOU CAN VOTE EARLY beginning on January 11th through the 28th 2010.
WHERE? Centennial Park 2300 Glenview Rd. in Wilmette.
For more facts, analysis and documentation, visit New Trier Choices
To volunteer, or make a contribution, visit Love New Trier Vote No
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