Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tea Party too radical for Coakley's Dems

This from the home of the original Boston Tea Party, Massachusetts.

These guys deserve to lose. Bigtime.
hotairblog Dem press release: Scott Brown made a “deal with the devil” with “radical tea party groups”: Via Weasel Zippers. [... http://bit.ly/4mJwQR
NorsU RT @mocajavawv: Coakley is the top law enforcement officer in MA and even the State Police won't endorse her. #tcot #masen BINGO!
dcexaminer Martha Coakley, K Street's choice for senator http://goo.gl/fb/oyZm

philipaklein RT @McCormackJohn: Video: Coakley Guy Pushes Me http://bit.ly/4Kp2nF
P.S. Cafferty goes after Pelosi again--"a horrible woman". The Instapundit wonders if he's turning into a tea partier.

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