Friday, January 22, 2010

Wide Open

Michael Barone looks at the new political landscape: If Republicans run as strongly as Brown, only 103 House Dems are safe.

More. The Politico. Where's Rahmbo, hmm?:
Congressional Democrats — stunned out of silence by Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts — say they’re done swallowing their anger with President Barack Obama and ready to go public with their gripes.

If the sentiment isn’t quite heads-must-roll, it’s getting there.

Hill Democrats are demanding that Obama’s brain trust — especially senior adviser David Axelrod and chief of staff Rahm Emanuel — shelve their grand legislative ambitions to focus on the economic issues that will determine the fates of shaky Democratic majorities in both houses.

Meanwhile Rep. Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island, bemoaning the loss of his father's seat in Massachusetts, has some advice for The One. Our President Barack Obama:

needs to harness his “fierce urgency of now".
Whatever that has ever meant.

We can all put our own interpretation on events. The tables are turned.

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