Saturday, February 13, 2010

Even Moderates Fed Up With Partisan Obambots

WH: Please R.S.V.P. to Attend Our Summit. And F.Y. - Mickey Kaus, Slate

More. Kimberley Strassel, WSJ:Obama's Attack Machine—II. The White House is deflecting questions about its ugly budget by hammering on Paul Ryan's plan.

More. Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL), who worked with Obama in the Illinois state Senate: Roskam says Obama needs to shed Pelosi's partisan tactics More. Comprehensive Failure. Obama needs to think small. Jeffrey Anderson, TWS:
One imagines Obama showing up at Independence Hall with his own plan in hand (probably adapted from Rousseau’s in The Social Contract, with Obama cast in the role of the Legislator) and being surprised when the other delegates resisted his eloquence and, correspondingly, his proposal.

The academic mindset—which is not necessarily synonymous with intellectual inquisitiveness—is also conducive to a disconnect from the real world in other ways. Take the following exchange:

Cartoon by Michael Ramirez, IBD. Playing Politics with Jobs.

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