Saturday, February 27, 2010

GOP Weekly Address: Dr. Tom Coburn

Video here.


meatbrain said...

And let us not forget another of Tom Coburn's greatest hits: His response when confronted by a weeping woman whose husband had suffered a traumatic brain injury and whose insurance refused to cover the man's care was, essentially, go beg your neighbors for help.

Such compassion. Such humanity. Must make a wingnut's heart fairly burst with pride, right, Anne?

Anne said...

Why do you call yourself meatbrain?

If you watch the tape you will see that Dr. Coburn is very serious and compassionate.

Government is not the solution:

meatbrain said...

Oh, I agree wholeheartedly. Very serious and compassionate people know that the way to deal with catastrophic injury and an insurance company that refuses to cover your medical bills is to go crawling to your neighbors. Why, that's the very textbook definition of compassionate conservatism.

Tell me something, Anne: If government is not the solution, then can I assume that you would be in favor of the immediate dissolution of the TRICARE system?