Monday, February 15, 2010

Jihad, what Jihad? Obama's Approach at Home

A charitable take of the Obama administration is that they are still wearing PC, ideological blinders, but in at least one case we know that to not be true--this is the actual belief of their Dear Leader. (Hey LA Times, how about releasing that Obama tape with Rashid Khalidi you suppressed during the campaign?) They are leaving us blind to certain threats. Here's another revealing tape. Scott, Powerline:

Brennan's formal remarks at the NYU Islamic Center event are available on video at Josh Gerstein's story on the speech. In his remarks Brennan testifies to the beauty and goodness of Islam. Brennan's speech is full of the apologetics, false equivalences and straw men that we have come to expect from the Obama administration in addressing these matters. As he instructs the faithful in the meaning of Islam, he doesn't quite get around to the subject of jihad.

Also worthy of note is Brennan's reference to his having visited "Palestine." Where is that?

Not reading the map. But then our President Barack Obama sees a map of his own. Only in the AfPak region does he, after much dithering, do the right thing. Because he has friends in Pock-ee-stahn from way back-- who is Mohammed Chandoo? (scroll down)-- and he did say Afghanistan was the good war. One promise he hasn't broken.

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