Saturday, February 20, 2010

Let's rape your child too

ABC gives credibility to this. It's all just figurative of course:

Allahpundit earlier today linked to the latest Palingates attack on Palin, dealing with the Family Guy kerfuffle. Like everyone else (including, it seems from today's coverage, the entire MSM), I never saw the episode so I wasn't really able to comment on it. Well, I just did. And I kinda wished I didn't.

Want to know why? Just take a look at this transcript of a song which occurs around the 20 minute mark in which the Down's Syndrome girl is described as, among other things, "a special person's wettest dream" and a "little whore". Funny, no? Hysterical. Makes you wonder why Gov. Palin didn't laugh about it, really. I mean, where's her sense of humor?
Read on if you can stand it.

An attack like this is despicable.

Take a good look, folks.

This is the left. This is what they do to a woman they consider uppity. This is what they do to a most innocent member of her family.

This is their warning to any other woman they disagree with who might consider a run for high office.

And ABC just enabled it to go on.

Major newspaper columnists embrace this, however coyly.

This is the horrific face of intolerance. Yet that's entertainment? Tina Fey, if you join these jackals you are a contemptible person.

...It started out where they called her a whore. Yes, she's an uppity slut. Now they target an innocent child with the same words.


Sherry said...

I've deliberately stayed away from watching the episode in part because it seems like dog bites man. Family Guy is an insult to trash everywhere because it choses to be garbage, where normal refuse is simply the end result of being used. I don't blame Palin for being tired of the daily junk passed her family's way but suspect by speaking out she made it a more watched episode than it would otherwise have been.

As a mother of a child with Down Synrdome, I understand wanting to go nuclear on this type of stuff and don't doubt that I would have if it were cast against my own. But I still wonder if Sarah had not said anything, would anyone have watched? I know I wouldn't have given Family Guy even a passing thought.

Anne said...

I understand what you're saying. Obviously Family Guy wanted to get more viewership.

I think she had to say something though. Because if she hadn't challenged it as not OK it would move into the mainstream media. ABC already is easing this in there.

Political correctness is the sledgehammer of the left against the right--nothing is so bland it can escape being called raaacist whenever they like. But yet they can engage in every manner of slime that used to be beyond the pale in a civil society, with no consequences--in fact they probably get hailed for their "courage".

She has a choice if they attack her. Her child? No way.

A Whig said...

That is the sort of humor Family Guy traffics in. This is a TV show that features a pedophile living in the family's neighborhood (played for laughs); has had both husband (Peter) and wife (Lois) have flings with Bill Clinton (whom they have several times portrayed as being nude in inappropriate situations); suggested Hillary Clinton had an organ usually reserved for males; had a song and dance number sung by "prom night dumpster babies;" had Lois dress up for a costume party as "that guy Laura Bush killed;" suggested that JEB Bush eats puppies; and I could easily go on because that's only scratching the surface. This is what they do and have been doing for several years now. The most recent outburst is only par for the course.