Wednesday, February 10, 2010

No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy

Neither gratuitous boasting nor therapeutic myth-making will convince Middle Easterners to pull away from radical Islamic terrorism. Instead, the message has to be uncompromising, yet understated, something like the quiet motto of Sulla’s: “No better friend, no worse enemy.” That there was no visible German opposition to Hitler in 1939 and no visible support for him in April 1945 was due both to overwhelming Allied power and to the knowledge that a magnanimous reconstruction was possible.
And read this:
Who Is Binyam Mohammed? [Marc Thiessen]

As always, Andy McCarthy hits the ball out of the park with his post on the “disclosures” ordered by a British court about the CIA’s treatment of al-Qaeda terrorist Binyam Mohammed. This has been a non-story in the United States, but it is front-page news in the U.K. These classified paragraphs were supposed to show incontrovertible evidence that the CIA brutally tortured Binyam Mohammed. In fact, they show no such thing.

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