Saturday, February 20, 2010

NY Times plays the race card

The bankrupt Gray Lady. Our side? Check out Jason Mattera. How do you say you betcha in Brooklyn? Now this. Go Andrew:Breitbart to NYT reporter at CPAC: “You’re a despicable human being”

Homemakers are now the journalists

Andrew Breitbart--you are the good and the true.

There's no turning back.

NY Times--you are over. You LIE. You are on the ash heap of history.

...and Andrew Breitbart lays into Rachel Maddow. Chicago News Bench. The left's Alinsky tactics--that's you Rachel Maddow, of isolating a Sarah Palin or her poor children, and beating on them, beating on them, beating on them. You can't do that with the Tea Party women. Oh yes you can, you can call them racist and homophobes. But those tricks aren't working any more.

...Earth to NY Times, go stalk yourselves.


Timeshare Jake said...

It was funny how he laid into the Ivy League Dolt of MSNBC!

Anne said...

Yes. Thank God for Andrew Breitbart. There are too many insufferable over-educated truly ignorant but arrogant people in the MSM.

It's almost a prerequisite for being hired.