The only day that Barack Obama’s Approval Index ratings were lower than today was last December 22. Like today, that came at a time when the President was making a strong push for his proposed health care legislation. Most voters have consistently opposed that plan.What happened to his pivot to jobs? He is doubling down on the ObamaCare nightmare--the latest proposal a Nixonian end-run around democracy. (Via Pundit and Pundette) Despite his happy talk, the president is hell bent on ramming this through, either in backroom deals with the Dems, or by whatever administrative fiat he can manage.
...Before I even finish this post, happy talk gone by the wayside pre-summit: White House Promises to Ram Obamacare Through Congress Via Reconciliation Process
Chicago Way thuggery on display--lower than a snake's belly.
We have our own response to that.
More. House Republican Leader John Boehner: President’s Health Care Proposal Jeopardizes Summit, Doubles Down on Failed Approach Americans Have Already Rejected [Note--it doesn't include the Stupak amendment which prohibited federal funding of abortion]
And our President Barack Obama throws many Dems under the bus. (Did Rahmbo lose the battle? Is he signing up with Hillary 2012?) This as well: Almost every provision in Obama's new proposal will make it more costly than the Senate bill. Analysis here.
President Obama thumbs his nose at the voters of Massachusetts with this reconciliation power grab. Will we see more Gadsden flags flying there? They elected Republican Sen. Scott Brown to stop this. There will be hell to pay.
More. Conn Carroll, The Foundry: The White House Learned Nothing from Massachusetts
Reconciliation is supposed to be used for budget measures. Shoving this through is an abuse of power of monstrous proportions--and for something that will BUST the budget beyond repair.
Barack Obama wants us to OBEY.
More. Matthew Continetti, TWS--Does Pelosi have the votes in the House? And what about those Dem Reps. in Indiana who want to inherit Evan Bayh's Senate seat--the one he chose not to defend. And Obama losing ground on his personal favorability rating:
(we are just tuning him out-his speeches have become the voices of parents in Peanuts cartoons)Perhaps because more and more Americans are realizing Barack Obama wants us to OBEY.
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