Tuesday, February 09, 2010

(Obama)Rahmbo in Hot Water with Hill Dems

They hold him (and his boss) responsible:
"The House is like an Australian-rules rugby match,” the lawmaker added. “The Senate is like a march at a men’s club in imperial Britain. They're a bunch of barons over there."
Ah, Rahm should have sent The One back to the Senate. His natural home. (The Dem campaign finance reform millionaire's club)

Lots of Dem infighting. Because of their loss and mismanagement.

P.S. ObamaRahmbo Bizarroworld. I wrote about it yesterday. Today: Andrew Malcolm, Top of the Ticket. Matthew Continetti, TWS:

(3) A health care bill the public disapproves of and that has little chance of becoming law -- because Democrats cannot find the votes to reconcile the House and Senate versions.

(4) A renewed focus on job creation that lasted all of a week.

(5) A fiscal year 2011 budget that Democrats on the Hill do not want to be associated with.

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