Thursday, February 11, 2010


G is for Greece. Ferguson is on Beck now. A Greek Crisis is Coming to America - Niall Ferguson, Financial Times. Democracy in peril.

And he's got the libertarians on with him too.

Related. An alternative. Matt Continetti, TWS: The Assault on Paul Ryan's Roadmap, Cont. The liberal bait and switch.
What liberals are doing is something different altogether. They are attacking the one plan the CBO says will solve America's fiscal crisis -- and they are not putting forward a plan of their own.
Democrats are fundamentally dishonest on policy. But that is not a surprise, is it.

More from Ferguson--collapse can sneak up on you (he's talking about what he wrote today):

Yet even a casual look at the fiscal position of the federal government (not to mention the states) makes a nonsense of the phrase “safe haven”. US government debt is a safe haven the way Pearl Harbor was a safe haven in 1941.

Even according to the White House’s new budget projections, the gross federal debt in public hands will exceed 100 per cent of GDP in just two years’ time. This year, like last year, the federal deficit will be around 10 per cent of GDP. The long-run projections of the Congressional Budget Office suggest that the US will never again run a balanced budget. That’s right, never.

Ferguson hopes Beck is out in California scouting for the next Reagan.

All joking aside, this is serious folks. Unions are collapsing Europe's economies now. What do we think is happening in California, Michigan, Illinois? America?

Related. Via RCP, here's Terence Corcoran from the Canadian National Post: The fiscal fall of Greece is a reminder that fiscal mismanagement produces monetary hurricanes without warning Concern about this is what has created and propelled the Tea Party movement over the last year, crystallized on the CBOT floor with Rick Santelli's cry about moral hazard. Mark Davis on the Tea Parties:

Finally, the Tea Party movement is not some subculture of bug-eyed lunatics. Any political movement is going to have some characters ranging from colorful to occasionally unhinged, but the insulting tone of much of the coverage of the movement would have you believe that these are fringe extremists who could snap at any moment.

Well, the truth is, they have snapped already. The sound we are hearing is the proverbial camel's back breaking after years of reckless spending, punitive taxation and usurpations of liberty that have crippled every citizen's opportunity to enjoy the full promise of what America is supposed to be about: freedom and opportunity, with the least government necessary to maintain an ordered society.

The people drifting toward the Tea Party movement are not extreme. They are, in fact, fighting extremism - the extremism that has brought us a government that takes far too much, spends far too much and runs our lives far too much.

The crisis isn't going away until we right the ship. Until then, we're not going away.

MORE! Rick Santelli on Kudlow tonight--awesome! I'm sure there will be a clip. DC Disconnect with America--we want real free enterprise--sometimes somebody has to fail--and Rick asked (again)---are you listening Mr. President?

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