Monday, February 08, 2010

Support the Iranian People

Ahmadinejad threatens the west and his own people. Thursday is the 31st anniversary of the Iranian "revolution" that put their Islamic dictators into power.

Support Iran resistance. Will Tehran Choose Tiananmen Solution? - Amir Taheri, The Times:
Over the past eight months, however, the dispute has moved beyond the issue of a stolen election as a fully-fledged pro-democracy movement has emerged that rejects the Khomeinist regime.

Even some former regime grandees, such as former President Khatami and Mir Hossein Mousavi, the former Prime Minister and main opposition candidate in last June’s presidential election, now publicly admit that the Khomeinist revolution has failed and that theocracy always leads to despotism.

Suddenly Mr Ahmadinejad and Mr Khamenei appear to have become irrelevant as millions of people in insurrectional mood are pitted against the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, which must decide whether to abandon the regime or drown its opponents in a bloodbath.

The authorities hanged protesters last week from the last round. If they weren't already beaten to death.

Time to speak up, Mr. President.

IranStreets Preparing For 1979 Anniversary: Internet Disruption And New Dumpsters

IranStreets Arrest of Maryam Ghanbari lawyer & women's rights activist
Defend Muslim women. Mr. President?

ChiNewsBench Shit's Hitting the Fan Soon: RT @MexCAN RT @IranOntime: Khamenei: West can't save Israel - ~

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