Friday, February 26, 2010

That Swiss Navy to the Shores of Tripoli

Muammar Gaddafi calls for jihad on Swiss after ban on building minarets:

Muammar Gaddafi has appealed for jihad against Switzerland, long regarded as one of the most peaceful nations in the world.

The Libyan leader’s call for a holy war was, he said, a response to a Swiss referendum in November to ban the construction of minarets on mosques.

It is the low point in a relationship that has been deteriorating since 2008 when Colonel Gaddafi’s son Hannibal was briefly detained in Geneva after allegedly beating his servants.

Well, maybe the Swiss will move out of the neutral zone now. But Gaddafi may have a little trouble zoning in:

It was not clear how he wanted Muslims to target Switzerland. “The masses of Muslims must go to all airports in the Islamic world and prevent any Swiss plane landing, to all harbours and prevent any Swiss ships docking,” he said, apparently unaware that Switzerland does not have a merchant navy, or coast.
He is apparently trying to demonstrate he is not heading a rogue state:
He has been attempting to demonstrate to the West that he is not at the helm of a rogue state, that it has no nuclear ambitions or contacts with terrorism. He criticised al-Qaeda during his address, calling it a “a psychological disease”. He added: “There is a big difference between terrorism and jihad.”
Well that's a relief. Obviously Muammar is a man of peace. Turn that Navy around. No need for Heidi at the helm.

As for Hannibal--keep the brutal behavior, jihadists, peaceful or otherwise...and elephants at home.


A Whig said...

Europe seems to be facing three problems that will eventually combine to form the perfect storm. 1)Enthusiasm for Christianity among Europeans is on the wane. 2)They're facing a continuing, massive influx of Muslim immigrants, who's enthusiasm for their religion remains high. 3)Their tradition conservative parties have refused take strong stands on religion or immigration, and have ceded that ground largely to more extremist elements (like the BNP). Switzerland however, takes an uncompromising stand as a nation that is if only today nominally Christian, is still definitely cultural Christian and Western. And in response to the Swiss having the gall for defending their own country and Western Civilization, the Libyan dictator wants a Jihad. It's just another attempt in the continuing campaign to change Europe, or at least to intimidate Europe into submission (like the 'controversy' over those Danish cartoons a couple of years ago). Kudos to the Swiss for refusing to abandon their culture and give up their membership in Western Civilization.

trencherbone said...

There should be a total ban on Mosques in Europe.
Minarets are bad enough, they are phallic symbols of the hypermasculine Muslims' determination to dominate public space throughout Europe.

But the mosques themselves are even worse, they are fortresses of the enemy. Unlike churches, mosques are not places of spirituality, peace and sanctuary. They are quasi-military citadels and centres of subversion, intimidation and aggression. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's prime minister and ex-mayor of Istanbul, said that 'the mosques are our barracks, the minarets our bayonets, the domes our helmets, and the believers our soldiers.'

Anne said...

Interesting what is going on in the Netherlands with Geert Wilders.