Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wow! Patrick Kennedy Pulls Out

Decides not to run again. Democrats. Rats fleeing a sinking ship. could have something to do with this. Yes we can.

Shaking up the same old same old. America, America:
michellemalkin Flashback: Patrick Kennedy: Scott Brown’s candidacy ‘a joke’ - #lastlaugh #buhbyekennedydynasty
More. Legal Insurrection. Come by here:)

1 comment:

pathickey said...

I can almost hear the angelic baritone of the Old Liberal Lion -pants down around his ankles -
leading the chorus of Carence Carter's hit in tribute to young Patches!

So years have passed and all the kids are grown
The angels took Mama to a brand new home
Lord knows, people, I shedded tears
But my daddy's voice kept me through the years

Sing You Sinnahs!~!!!!

Patches, I'm dependin' on you, son
To pull the family through
My son, it's all left up to you

Oh, I can still hear Papa's voice sayin'
Patches, I'm dependin' on you, son
I've tried to do my best
It's up to you to do the rest

I can still hear Papa, what he said

Alpha Mike Foxtrot you little Hump!